A lifelong horse enthusiast who decided (against his better judgment) to turn his love of horses into a career, Kirk is a professional horse trainer working out of Switch Willo Stable in Austin, Texas. He calls Austin home when he is not traveling to horse shows across the country, showing, training, and gathering more material for future episodes of Mesquite Grove.
Patti had a clear plan for her career and never deviated from it. Her college experience was invaluable to her development as a comedic talent, starting with pre-law undergraduate courses (naturally) then moving to pre-pharmacy (it seemed synchronistic). Trying to complete her course work as efficiently as possible, she spread her college credits among four institutions of higher learning, ultimately resulting in a BS degree (in pharmacy).
Continuing upon this laser-guided path, she worked as a pharmacist, spent time in pharmaceutical sales (legal) and ultimately, of course, became a stock broker. Taking the next logical step, she collaborated with her similarly focused cohorts to create Mesquite Grove.
Her pursuit of horses was a totally different matter. It’s rumored that her first word was “pony”. Her love of anything equine, from beautiful horses to the smell of a dirty saddle pad, has been blamed on a defective gene. She hopes they never find a cure.
Horses were, and remain, the emotional touchstone in life for Allen. He never had the clearest road map for this existence, relying upon a keen urgency to keep things moving. A native Texan, and graduate of The University of Texas, he tried on many hats during a lifetime in Austin—groom, braider, hunter rider, graphic designer, rower, riding instructor, TXRD roller derby referee, and artist—before relocating, with his now husband Joe, to Northern New Mexico. It was in New Mexico that Allen was able to narrow his focus to the activities that he loves the most: nature,
creativity in its many forms, and yes, horses. He recently returned to the show ring aboard Atticus the Wonder Horse, after an almost 30 year absence, with the help of a dedicated family of trainers working out of a real life Taj Ma Stalls.